Love Shown in the Dark

moon and stars in the sky biggerDespite my positive outlook on life, there are times when I am very frustrated by my physical limitations.  This week, I had one of those times.  But, never fear, there’s a rainbow.  Read on.

As the seasonal shift from winter to spring to summer happens, I’m sure many of you ask yourselves, “How many covers should I use tonight?”  Well, with my cerebral palsy, I give that question more thought than you might realize because I am unable to put my covers on or off independently.

Whenever I need assistance during the night, I have to roll from my side onto my stomach to reach my cell phone on the headboard to call for help.  I must use my cell phone because my bedroom is no longer next to my parents’ bedroom, so they are not able to hear me calling.  Often, I lay in bed asking myself, “Is it worth it to go through the effort of rolling over to reach my cell phone or can I live with the situation hoping to fall asleep?”  Sometimes I decide it is worth it and sometimes I decide that it isn’t.

Anyway, this particular night I was struggling to get to sleep, so I kept shifting my body to get more comfortable, but the effort of shifting made me warmer and warmer.  I had a sheet and a light blanket on, but after being awake for about an hour and a half, I called Mom and asked her to put my bedspread on, thinking the extra weight might help me get to sleep.  Wrong!  An hour later I decided to call Dad and have him take the bedspread back off because I was way too hot.  At least I had enough sense not to call the same parent both times, right?

I’ve needed physical help all my life and will until I die.  That is a fact.  In some ways, this fact is a tremendous annoyance.  In other ways, it is a tremendous blessing.  One of the ways it is a blessing is that I get to closely interact with my parents at several points during the day (and sometimes, as in this case, during the night as well).  Even if they’re too tired to say anything, I get to see them and know that they love me enough to help me even when it’s not convenient for them.  The rainbow of needing to roll over to call my parents for help during the night is that I am reminded how much I am loved, and that is definitely a blessing.

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